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Best Detectives in Karol Bagh Delhi

Best Detectives in Karol Bagh Delhi provides Investigation services which come through our investigative experience gained from invaluable experience. Our team of investigators have skills, understanding and all-round knowledge in the manner in which a case is approached, how evidence is obtained, and how to investigate a corporate investigation, matrimonial detective services, background verification case and a personal investigation mandate.

We can quickly preserve, collate and analyze data to provide clear and concise, evidence-based reports to board, management and regulators in accordance with the highest standards of accuracy, professionalism and discretion. We also provide you expert witnesses in both criminal and civil cases.

एक निर्मम हत्या और प्राइवेट डिटेक्टिव की कोशिश | brutal muder and Private Detective efforts

एक निर्मम हत्या और प्राइवेट डिटेक्टिव की कोशिश  | A brutal muder and Private Detective efforts

शिकागो, USA  का शहर, समय – रात के 11.00 बजे रहे है| जून का महीना, बहुत गर्म मौसम है.एक गरीब आदमी टॉमी .वह अकेला है, उसकी पत्नी गंभीर बीमारी के कारण मर चुकी है| क्लार्क रोड़ शिकागो शहर एंटोनियो यहां चौकीदार की नौकरी करता है समय – रात के 11.00 बजे की है| सभी दुकानें बंद है. एंटोनियो अपना काम कर रहा है क्लार्क रोड़ यहां अँधेरा है और बिलकूल सुनसान है कुते भौंक रहे हैं उसी समय एक कार आकर रुकती है वह दूर खड़ा है सब कुछ देख रहा है|

एक निर्मम हत्या और प्राइवेट डिटेक्टिव की कोशिश  | A brutal muder and Private Detective efforts
दो व्यक्ति कार से बाहर आते है और कुछ बात करते है, फिर गाड़ी मे बैठ कर चले गए टॉमी के कुछ भी समझ नहीं. आया| समय 11:30 फिर वही कार आकार रुकती हे, इस बार तीन व्यक्ति कार से बाहर आये दो व्यक्ति तीसरे व्यक्ति के साथ झगड़ा कर रहे थे एक व्यक्ति ने दूसरे व्यक्ति का मुंह बंद किया और तीसरे व्यक्ति ने चाकू से वार किया व्यक्ति की मौके पर मृत्यु हो गई और दो व्यक्ति अपनी कार में भाग गये टॉमी बहुत डर गया था डर के करण वह चिल्ला नहीं पाया खुद को कोने में छिपा लिया. वह आधे घंटे के लिए वहाँ बैठा रहा, आधे घंटे के बाद वह भागा और खुद के घर पर पहुँच कर ही रूका उसका पूर्ण शरीर पसीने से गिला था! उसका एक दोस्त है नाम एलेन |

Private Detective
वह एक प्राइवेट डिटेक्टिव है टॉमी के घर के पास एक बूथ है वह बूथ के पास गया और उसने एलेन  को फोन कर पूरी कहानी सुनाई, एलेन  ने कहा मैं वहाँ एक घंटे आ रहा हूँ. टॉमी अपने घर के लिए लौट आया, एंथनी एक घंटे मे पुलिस के साथ वहाँ पहुँच गया और जांच पड़ताल किया, मरे हुए आदमी की जेब की जाँच कि लेकिन कुछ भी नहीं मिला| वहाँ के निशान लिए और पोस्टमार्टम के लिए उसका  शरीर भेजा उसका फोटो भी लिया| अगले दिन का समय सुबह 8 बजे शिकागो के समाचार पत्र में उसकी तस्वीर छपी थी, फोटो से उसकी कोई पहचान हो लेकिन यह नहीं हुआ टॉमी पोस्टमार्टम रिपोर्ट के लिए इंतज़ार कर रहा था शायद कोई लाभ होता लेकिन, समय 5:00 बजे शाम पोस्टमार्टम रिपोर्ट आई लेकिन कोई सुराग नहीं मीला|

एलेन  फिर घटना स्थल पहुँच गया और जांच पड़ताल किया, पर कुछ भी नहीं मिलता है. वह टॉमी से मुलाकात की और कुछ सवाल पूछा, एलेन  को एक सुराग मिला की कार आधे घंटे में वापस आई थी, इसका मतलब वह पास ही कहीं रह रहा था उसने आस पास के लोगो से पूछताछ किया पता चला वह वहाँ रह रहा था लेकिन वह अकेला है उसका नाम जैक  था लेकिन उसे कोई नहीं जानता कि वह क्या करता था दो साल पहले उसकी पत्नी एक ट्रेन दुर्घटना में मौत हुई थी एलेन  जैक के घर गया और वहाँ जांच पड़ताल किया वहाँ पर बहुत ड्रग और पैसे मीले कहीं वह ड्रग का व्यापारी तो नही था, या किसी माफिया गिरोह का तो नही था,कई सवाल उसके दिमाग में थे इन सवालों के जवाब खोजने के लिए कमरे में जांच पड़ताल से एक टेलीफोन डायरी पाया उसे अपने पास रख लेता है,

वह टेलीफोन एक्सचेंज के लिए चला जाता है और टेलीफोन निर्देशिका में सभी नं की जाँच करता है उसमें दवाओं के माफिया का नम्बर मिला उसका नाम सैम है, अब माफिया तक तक पहुँचने के लिए वह पुलिस के साथ एक योजना बनाता है| वह माफिया के साथ संपर्क बनाता है और कुछ ड्रग खरीदने के लिए बात करता हैं| अगले दिन निश्चित जगह माफिया उनको बुलाता है, अगले दिन  मिलने गया और पुलिस भी कुछ समय बाद वहाँ आती है जब एलेन और जोजो दोनों बात कर रहे थे तो पुलिस ने उसे पकड़ लिया और पुलिस थाने ले गये पूछताछ करने पर जोजो ने बताया एलेन  ने हमारा माल ले लिया और पैसे की मांग कर रह| था तो हम ने उसे मार डाला. सब कुछ जानने के बाद जोजो को जेल में भेज दिया, एंथनी खुश था कि हत्या का एक और मामला हल हो गया था और एक ड्रग गिरोह जेल में था एलेन  ने टॉमी  धन्यवाद दिया क्योंकि उसकी मदद के बिना यह मामला सुलझाना संभव नहीं था|

Courtship now comes with a private detective-Forensic

Courtship now comes with a private detective

private detective comes to courtship
 More and more Private Detective are hiring Best private detectives to do a 'Prematrimonial Investigation' on their potential bride or groom and even to spy on their spouses
So you thought there is no way your spouse or fiance is going to know about your illicit affair? Beware! You might be under the scanner right now! Private Detective are handing over the task of verifying the background and whereabouts of their potential partner or spouse to experienced, experienced private detectives.
But no, you would not find them anywhere around you as spying on a person physically is against the law; a violation of one's personal freedom. "We do a general investigation and if the person in question proves a suspect, we adopt several other undisclosed methods, following the consent of the client.

With fees starting from `20,000 or `40,,000, clients for pre-matrimonial investigations outnumber the clients approaching for post-matrimonial investigations in Delhi & Gurgaon. "Parents are being increasingly cautious of their wards and who they get married to these days. Fraudulent cases are on the rise and there are plenty of resources to follow a wayward lifestyle. There are also those who tend to exaggerate their family background and financial status during the matrimonial discussions with the bride/groom's family," points out an undercover agent in Kochi, who does not wish to be named.
We are embarrassed to stalk on our own.

Investigation on cheating spouse detective
From verifying the job qualification and financial and emails of the potential spouse, people appoint detective agencies to keep a close watch on the other party as they want to spare themselves the embarrassment if caught red-handed. Says the parent of a prospective bride, "Who can be trusted these days? When my daughter got a proposal, I was particular to verify the groom's background, his friends' circle and his drinking habits, just to be on the safe side. But it's quite embarrassing to follow a person. If I get caught in the act, I would not be in a position to face the person again or my daughter might miss out on a good proposal. An authentic expert would also be better at an in-depth probing."

Something's fishy!

At times, the details rolled out by the other party might not be convincing enough to a few parents. Mr. Sumant  whose brother recently received a marriage proposal was told that, except for a minor operation, the girl was fit to be married. As they hesitated to reveal more details, Mr. Sumant and his family grew suspicious and decided to hire a private detective. On investigation, they were in for a rude shock. "The girl's parents had said that the girl had an appendicitis operation. On further probing by the detective, we discovered that the girl had an abortion. The family had tipped the doctor to make the procedure look like a minor operation even though it was a major one. They also ensured to document it as minor operation in the medical records and registers. What's worse, we learnt that her next child might probably have some mental illness or other complications," recounts Mr. Sumant.

Are you cheating on me?

Rising infidelity has also been keeping the undercover agents in the city on their toes. Mr. Ravi says it is the women who avail of their services more than men. If the two have different work timings or spend less time together, chances of infidelity are high. "Thus, IT and business professionals form the majority of the clients."
Kavya*, a homemaker in Pathankot, was suspicious of her husband's frequent trips to Bangalore for business. "He has an office in Bangalore as well, but his presence was really not required at the centre. Since I did not want to stalk him directly, I hired a detective who, on an inquiry, informed me that he was having an affair with his private secretary and the two would spend time together at his flat in Gurgaon.

Taking cue from soaps

Blame it on television soaps, and also films for the increase in such fidelity cases, feels Dinesh T A, a private detective in Delhi. "Punjabi’s are getting addicted to television serials. They are deeply influenced by the twists and turns in the never-ending story. They draw ideas from these serials, which focus on how to cheat the spouse, denigrate and play the blame game on each other," he says.
Drawing an instance from one of the cases he attended, he recalls a funny incident where the case turned against the client himself. "A 62-year-old man approached me claiming his suspicion over his 58-year-old wife. He had stated that she made calls stealthily and at inappropriate timings. On inquiry, I found the lady made calls as part of her small-time financial business, and nothing else," says Dinesh who was confused about why the husband was so suspicious about his innocent wife. "I did a parallel investigation and found that the man was no longer interested in his 'old' wife and instead wanted to marry a younger woman. Since divorce required convincing evidence against the woman, he decided to produce a statement of infidelity against her with the help of a detective."
Mr. Ravi relates a similar incident, "A railway professional's wife approached me to spy on her husband, who was behaving weirdly. The 50-year-old man started hitting the gym and using products to look young. Eventually, it was found that he was in an affair with one of the young passengers who was a daily train commuter."

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Stampede on Kartik Purnima festivities in Bihar, 4 lifeless, 10 injured

Bihar Kartik Purnima injuries

Charge on Kartik Purnima festivities in Bihar, 4 lifeless, 10 injured

No less than four individuals were killed and a few were left harmed following a charge amid Kartik puja festivities in Bihar's Begusarai area on Saturday morning.

Patna: At slightest four individuals were killed and a few were left harmed following a rush amid Kartik puja festivities in Bihar's Begusarai region on Saturday morning.

The occurrence occurred at a noteworthy washing spot at the Simaria ghat on the event of Kartik Purnima, when a huge number of travelers accumulated for the heavenly plunge.

As per area police authorities, the rush was caused by a few gossipy tidbits. According to another report, overwhelming social affair at the ghat is likewise accepted to be the reason for the rush.

Communicating his distress on the episode, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar reported a remuneration of Rs. 4 lakh each to the individuals who lost their lives in the rush.

"We are attempting to discover the reason behind the rush," Sadar Deputy Superintendent of Police Mithilesh Kumar stated, including that the ladies' characters have not been found out yet.

He included that the episode happened in a thin path alongside the ghat, about 100 km from the state capital.

In the mean time, specialists have affirmed that three out of four individuals killed were ladies and said endeavors are on to distinguish the bodies.

All the harmed were raced to an adjacent healing facility where they were given treatment.



श्री गुरु नानक देव जी के प्रकाशोत्सव

संवाद सहयोगी, राहों

श्री गुरु नानकदेव जी केप्रकाशोत्सव के उपलक्ष्य में शहर की समूह गुरुद्वारा प्रबंधक कमेटियों तथा क्षेत्रवासियों के सहयोग से विशाल नगर कीर्तन निकाला गया। मोहल्ला पहाड़ ¨सह स्थित गुरुद्वारा कलगीधर साहिब से निकाले गए नगर कीर्तन की अगुवाई पंज प्यारों ने की। पंज प्यारों की अगुवाई में फूलों से सजी पालकी में श्री गुरु ग्रंथ साहिब जी के पवित्र सरूप को सुशोभित किया गया।
इस दौरान भाई चरण जीत ¨सह के ढाडी के लोगो ने संगत को गुरु चरणों से जोड़ा।लोगो द्वारा "सतनाम वाहे गुरु, सतनाम वाहे गुरु" की आवाज से पूरा इलाका गूंज उठा।
संगत के स्वागत के लिए शहर में जगह-जगह स्वागती गेट सजाए गए थे। इस दौरान संगत के लिए चाय पकौड़े, बिस्कुट, चने पूरी, फलों तथा कई तरह के खाने पीने के भंडारे। गुरु राम दास इंटरनेशनल स्कूल के छात्रों ने गतका नृत्य करके सभी लोगो को अचंभित कर दिया, गुरुद्वारा साहिब पहुंचकर संपन्न हुआ।
इस अवसर पर गुरुद्वारा प्रबंधक कमेटी के प्रधान रमेश ¨सह, गुरुद्वारा ¨सह सभा अड्डा लारियां के प्रधान सुखदेव ¨सह मान, ¨हदर ¨सह बाजवा, रघु¨वदर ¨सह, बालक अमरजीत ¨सह पाहवा, जोगा ¨सह, लख¨वदर ¨सह, रतन ¨सह, निर्मल ¨सह, चेयरमैन अमरजीत ¨सह जौहल, पार्षद गुरमेल राम, पार्षद बलवीर कौर, राजवंत ¨सह बाजवा, मनवीर ¨सह परमार, हर¨वदर ¨सह


10 mind boggling cases solved

Some mind boggling cases and cases of private investigation

Detective agency in Delhi for some mind boggling cases and reasons

They generally need to find best private detective agency and completely ensured, might have trained staff, will be managed and authorized under law in various ways. They agency work for customer's and dependably remember about his protection and uncover the information in secure way. Detective agency in Delhiis a standout among-st the most solid private detective in Delhi who constantly offer best private detective services in Delhi and dependably remember about customers security. Individuals employ detective agency for some reasons. These include motivations to investigate and require points of interest of numerous undecided and baffling cases, in addition on investigate somebody's the place about. In this day and age wherever ethics and qualities have lost their significance, keeping a mind the suspicious exercises of our near and costly ones has turned out to be required. When this stage comes, we tend to begin our cases then requirement for the best private detective Agencies
Among the various reasons, the one top of said are unmistakably, a couple reasons with reference to why one would make the judgment of hiring a private agency in Delhi. Since metro urban areas are more drawn in unlawful exercises like wrongdoing, kidnappings, unfaithfulness seeing someone and a day or two ago to day issues, taking help from a private agency turns out to be gigantically important. On the other, police too takes things coolly and along these lines a customized assistance from a private detective gets to be distinctly essential. 7 Secrets is one of most solid detective agency in India who give to a great degree gifted and result situated private and “Matrimonial investigationservices in Delhi.

The agency has been providing answer for different cases and has been conducting intricate investigations in India. A portion of the ranges of investigations include conjugal connections, corporate, lost/found, covert investigation, reconnaissance and a variety of other detective and investigation services. Their private Investigation Services are broadly refreshing for exact and convenient outcomes. In all such cases, the venture of finding a decent detective agency ought to be taken care of with most extreme care. It is a false notion of individuals that there exist once in a while any expert private detective offices; yet this is not the reality. There are a few decent private detective agency which can help you leave your difficulty and render quality services. For this, one initially needs to find a decent ‘detectiveagency, yet there are a few things to consider while finding a “detective agency.

The “best detective agencyis one which offers a variety of services that are aggressive in today's situation. A decent detective agency will be completely ensured, should have trained staff, will be directed and authorized under law in various ways. It is constantly great to pick an accomplished supplier on the grounds that those having enormous experience should have managed most sorts of cases as of now. Security of your info is yet another worry that pesters everybody. It is consequently important to lean toward the best private detective in Delhi, India. There are a few detective agency in Delhi who are operating and providing services to customers yet one will never make sure concerning the mystery of their information as nobody ensures an entire security of customer information. With Detective agency in Delhi, you don't have to give a qualm to your security since they are among the best private detective agency in Delhi and assurance an entire protection for their customer information.

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812-A Ansal Bhawan-16, Kasturba Gandhi Marg
Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001, India
Phone No. +91-11-41520444, +91-9958045226
Website: https://forensicdetectives.in/detective-agency-in-delhi/

Branch (Forensic): Karol Bagh Metro Station, Karol Bagh
New Delhi-110005, India

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