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Best Detectives in Karol Bagh Delhi

Best Detectives in Karol Bagh Delhi provides Investigation services which come through our investigative experience gained from invaluable experience. Our team of investigators have skills, understanding and all-round knowledge in the manner in which a case is approached, how evidence is obtained, and how to investigate a corporate investigation, matrimonial detective services, background verification case and a personal investigation mandate.

We can quickly preserve, collate and analyze data to provide clear and concise, evidence-based reports to board, management and regulators in accordance with the highest standards of accuracy, professionalism and discretion. We also provide you expert witnesses in both criminal and civil cases.

Best 5 Tips to Save Your Relationships in Hindi and Urdu

Best 5 Tips to Save Your Relationships

 Best 5 Tips to Save Your Relationships

हमने पिछले लेख में आपको बताया अगर आपका पति/ पत्नी आपके प्रति पूरी तरह से बफादार हैं, और आपसे अत्यंत प्रेम भी करते हैं! तो फिर आपको कुछ करने की जरुरत नहीं हैं, क्योकि एक परिवार के यह रूप भी होता हैं, जहाँ पति और पत्नी दोनों को अपने घर की जिम्मेदारी उठानी पड़ती हैं, ऐसे में यह स्वाभाविक हैं, कि  आपके साथी आपको पहले जैसा प्यार न दे पाएं! 

परन्तु यह भी सच हैं कि वह आपसे पहले जैसा प्यार भी करते हैं, और आप किसी गलत फहमी का शिकार हैं, आपको चाहिए कि, उनका जीवन में पूरी तरह साथ दे, और अपने परिवार की जिम्मेवारी को निभाएं!

Best 5 Tips to Save Your Relationships at home

एक अच्छे परिवार का होना, प्यार का दूसरा नाम हैं, इसलिए अपने पति/ पत्नी का उसके कार्यों अथवा जिम्मेदारिओं को निभाने में साथ दे!

परन्तु अगर आपका पति / पत्नी ऊपर दिए हुए किसी भी पहलु को पूरा नहीं करता तो निसंदेह आपको कुछ कठिन फैसले लेने पड़ सकते हैं!

वह फैसले आपको अपने और अपने परिवार हित में करने होंगे, परन्तु उससे पहले हमें उन पहलुओं पर गौर करना होगा, जिसके आपका परिवार टूटने के कगार पर पहुच चूका हैं!
आइयें उन पहलुओं पर दृस्टि डालें|

Best 5 Tips to Save Your Relationships in your family

किसी भी इंसान का स्वाभाव कुछ नए पाने की लालसा से भरा होता हैं, ऐसा संसार में कोई भी इंसान नहीं, जो इससे अछूता हों, कुछ लोग इन सबसे अपने आपको रोक लेते हैं, और कुछ इनमे फ़सकर रह जाते हैं!
यह लोग भी अलग अलग categories में आते हैं, जिनसे इनके स्वाभाव का पता चलता हैं, जिससे कि हमें अंतिम निर्णय लेने में आसानी हो सके|

इमोशंस में बहकरएक्सट्रामैरिटल सम्बन्ध बनाना

इमोशन में बहकर एक्सट्रामैरिटल सम्बन्ध बनाना एक आम बात हैं, ऐसे में आपका साथी अगर किसी के संपर्क में आता हैं, और उसे लगता हैं कि उसकी वजह से दूसरा परिवार अथवा व्यक्ति किसी परेशानी से बच सकता हैं, और आपका साथी उसके काम आ सकता हैं, तो निःसन्देय वह उस सम्बन्ध को स्वीकार कर लेगा!

और जैसे आपके प्रति वह वफादार हैं, बिलकुल वैसे ही उस सम्बन्ध को स्वीकार करेगा और बफादार रहेगा! ऐसे में आपको यह समझना जरुरी हैं, की इस रिश्ते की नीव कितनी मजबूत हैं! उसी हिसाब से आपको उन्हें समझाना चाहियें!

वैसे ऐसे सम्बन्धो को समझाना अत्यंत कठिन हैं, क्योकि ऐसे व्यक्ति, न तो आपको छोड़कर खुश रहेंगे और ना उसे ! इसका हल सिर्फ एक समझौता ही हो सकता हैं! अगर आप अपने परिवार को ऐसे ही बनायें रखना चाहती हैं तो आपको उन्हें समझना होगा! और कदम कदम पर उनका साथ भी देना होगा!

इसको अपनी किस्मत मानकर स्वीकार करें, या फिर उनसे अलग होना निश्चित हैं!
एक्सट्रामैरिटल सम्बन्ध सिर्फ कामुकता और सेक्स के लिए एक्सट्रामैरिटल सम्बन्ध का यह सबसे दर्दनाक पहलु हैं|  

क्योकि इस तरह के सम्बन्ध में किसी उपचार की संभावना बिलकुल काम होती हैं, क्योकि कुछ लोग स्वाभाव से ही लालची होते हैं, जिसमे से आपका पति / पत्नी हैं! ऐसे लोग सिर्फ नए सम्बन्ध शारीरिक भूक के लिए बनाते हैं, जिसमे अपने परिवार के प्रति कोई लगाव नहीं देखा गया!
ऐसे ज्यादातर लोग, किसी भी सम्बन्ध को निभाने के लिए उचित नहीं होते! इस तरह के व्यक्तियों से जितनी जल्दी अलग हो जाये, वही अच्छा हैं!

अगर, आज नजर डालें तो जितने बलात्कार हुए हैं, तो उन लोगों में और इन लोगों में कोई ज्यादा अंतर नहीं हैं, आपके साथी की तरह, वे बलात्कारी भी, सिर्फ अपनी भूक मिटाना चाहते हैं! ऐसे लोग अपने परिवार में ही अपने बच्चों पर भी बुरी नजर रखतें हैं, जैसा की आजकल सुनाने में आता हैं, कि बाप और बेटी के रिश्ते को भी नहीं छोड़ा, ऐसे लोगों से अलग होना ही उचित हैं!

अगले ब्लॉग में हम आपको बताएँगे कि कैसे अपने परिवार को दूसरों से सुरक्षित रखें

Best Detective Agency in Delhi

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A realisation that forget everything | एक एहसास जो सबकुछ भुला दे

A realization that forgets everything

Dear Friends, have you ever thought about something like this? A realisation that forgets everything. It sounds weird to hear, but for those people who have felt it, it is enough to say only for them. Perhaps this moment is very precious for those who are looking for the moment, but this moment proves to be great for them, who have been waiting for that moment till today.

Those people are happier than those who have never realized this moment, but why do people so eagerly wait for this painful moment? The truth is hidden in this small moment, which cannot be found in the lobbies.

It is not possible to write a true love in words

A girlfriend asked her boyfriend

A girlfriend asked her boyfriend, Tell me why you loved me, what you see in me. The boyfriend could not answer poorly; it was difficult for him to tell what his specialty is in his girlfriend. There was a lot of battle in both of them that day. The girlfriend understood that there is no specialty in her that is why her boyfriend could not tell anything.

And for a week she did not talk to boyfriend. The lover tried his best to explain it, but he did not respond. I ask you, what are the answers, do the lovers really do not see anything in her, or there is no specialty in the girlfriend.

The day passes, between the two, a wall was started. Now the boyfriend could not live without her and was ready to tell her everything. The settlement happened after the interaction between the two again they made plans to meet, but the condition was the same, you have to tell me why to love me.

What does a true love want from you?

This time, the lover made a note with full planning, so that his girlfriend's heart does not get hurt, and with full preparation, he got to meet his girlfriend. Neither did the meeting of both of them was the same, both of them were serious, 

it seemed that both of them would come across to meet a deep river. After a while, the talk came and stopped, tell me what you love seeing me. The lover tried his best to tell her everything he had written but failed even after trying too much.

How is love

The girl began to cry

And finally, he showed that note to her girlfriend, that I love you because of all these reasons. Girlfriend began to cry and cry, the lover tried to keep quiet, but more loud began to cry. What was the reason for the girl crying like that, after all, what was written in that note?

Why do girls want to compliment you

The whole note was empty, was just written, I do not see any goodness in you, I do not see any other than you.  After a while, the girlfriend became known, that her boyfriend really loves her, Because love does not happen in any goodness or condition. 
Those who see the whole goodness of all in their love.

Best Detective

Next Blog: What are the differences between a true love and a false love?

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> 5 Great ways to keep your relationship strong and understanding relationship

Translate in Hindi
एक एहसास जो सबकुछ भुला दे- दोस्तों क्या आपने कभी सोचा हैं, किसी ऐसी चीज के बारे में, "एक एहसास जो सब कुछ भुला दे" प्रिय दोस्तों, क्या आपने कभी इस तरह कुछ सोचा है?

"एक अहसास जो सबकुछ भूल जाता है" यह सुनने में अजीब लगता है, लेकिन उन लोगों के लिए जिन्होंने इसे महसूस किया है, केवल उनके लिए कहना पर्याप्त है, शायद यह पल उन लोगों के लिए बहुत अनमोल हो, जो इस पल की चाहत रखते हैं!
परन्तु, यह पल उनके लिए बहोत भारी साबित होता हैं! जो लोग इससे गुजर कर उस पल का आज तक इंतजार कर रहें हैं | वह लोग ज्यादा खुश हैं, जिन्हे इस पल का कभी एहसास नहीं हुआ, परन्तु, फिर इस दर्दनाक पल के लिए लोग इतनी बेसब्री से क्यों इंतजार करते हैं !सच्चाई तो इस छोटे से पल में छुपी होती हैं, जिसका लब्जो में बयां करना नामुमकिन हैं!
एक प्रेमिका ने अपने प्रेमी से पूछा , बताओ तुमने मुझसे क्यों प्यार किया, तुमने मुझमें क्या खासियत देखि, प्रेमी बेचारा जवाब नहीं दे पाया, उसके लिए यह बताना मुश्किल हो गया की, उसकी प्रेमिका में क्या क्या खासियत हैं, उस दिन दोनों में खूब लड़ाई हुई!

प्रेमिका समझ गई, की उसमे कोई खासियत है ही नहीं, इसीलिए उसका प्रेमी, कुछ नहीं बता पाया और एक हफ्ते तक उसने अपने प्रेमी से बात नहीं की. प्रेमी ने उसे समझाने की पूरी कोशिश, पर उसने कोई जवाब नहीं दिया, मैं आपसे पूछता हूँ!
जवाब क्या हैं, क्या प्रेमी सच में उसमे कुछ नहीं देखता, या प्रेमिका में कोई खासियत है ही नहीं!
दिन गुजरते गएँ, दोनों के बीच एक दिवार सी बनने लगी. अब प्रेमी उसके बिना रह नहीं पा रहा था, और उससे सबकुछ बताने को तैयार था, दोनों के बीच बातचीत के बाद समझोता हुआ, फिर से उन्होंने मिलने के लिए प्लान बनाया. परन्तु शर्त वही थी, तुम्हे मुझे बताना होगा की, मुझे क्यों प्यार करते हो!
इस बार प्रेमी ने पूरी प्लानिंग के साथ नोट बनाये, जिससे उसकी प्रेमिका का दिल न दुखे, और पूरी तैयारी के साथ, वह अपनी प्रेमिका से मिला, न, मिलने से दोनों का हाल एक जैसा था, दोनों की हालत गंभीर बनी हुई थी, ऐसा लगता था, दोनों किसी गहरी नदी को पार करके मिलने आएं हैं?
कुछ देर मिलने के बाद, बात वहीं आकर रुकी, की बताओ तुमने मुझमें क्या देखकर प्यार क्यां!, प्रेमी ने पूरी कोशिश की उसे वो सबकुछ बता दे जो वह लिखकर लाया हैँ था, परन्तु बहुत कोशिश करने पर भी विफल रहा, और अंत में उसने, उस नोट को अपनी प्रेमिका को दिखाते हुए बोला, की मैं तुम्हे इन सब वजह से प्यार करता हूँ!
प्रेमिका ने पड़ा और रोने लगी, प्रेमी ने बहोत चुप कराने की कोशिश की, पर और जोर जोर से रोने लगी, प्रेमिका इस तरह रोने की क्या वजह थी, आखिर उस नोट में क्या लिखा था!
पूरा नोट खाली था, बस लिखा था, मुझे तुममें कोई अच्छाई नहीं दिखती हैं, मुझे तुम्हारे अलावा और कोई दिखाई नहीं देती हैं, कुछ देर बाद प्रेमिका समझ गई, की उसका प्रेमी सच में उसे प्यार करता हैं, क्योंकि प्यार किसी अच्छाई, अथवा शर्तों पर नहीं होता. जो सारी की सारी अच्छाइयां अपने प्यार में देखते हैं!

Best Detective


The Best Ways to Get Matrimonial Investigation 2018

Matrimonial Investigation, to get the truth

To live a good life, there is a need for a good life partner, as if it is a bit difficult to meet nowadays.
Matrimonial Investigation makes you aware of these things and warns you. And protects from being cheated.

Marriage is one stunning creation in one's life that this gives another path measurement to every life another method for thinking, living, and behaving. And this is often the best critical thing in a human life. As we long for it since our adolescence and have excessively a few dreams, making it impossible to have a legitimate accomplice after our marriage.

The marital relationship is a good combination of both, matrimonial investigation strengthens your synergy.

 It is similarly critical to have the understanding between both the kid and young lady before getting into a genuine and hallowed connection like marriage.

On account of pre and post matrimonial investigation that are there to give you help with making the correct marriage choice. Accomplices guarantee each other for being dependable always and this confirmation will wind up noticeably wary now and again. 

To search out the genuine truth concerning the relationship the investigators in Delhi run a strong check on your demand, providing you with most proof about the activities of your accomplices. For the most part, the suspicious exercises are exceptionally terrible and therefore, the detectives manage it with a sensible approach. The touchy issues are additionally taken as a proof that is submitted to the court.

Matrimonial Investigation gives you the truth to strengthen the relationship.

Your future husband or wife begins behaving anomalous wherever he or she is taking telephone summons alone or hiding from you in occasions then you'll question their demonstrations.

 In this way, a pre matrimonial investigation will give you finish support to find the truth. The detective can give solid composed and verbal proofs as they're going to catch every discussion in recorders, video, and so on. 

The investigations did by these professional investigators are crucial to the point that a typical individual can never be prepared to recover the info given by these detectives.

Settle on a steady choice today by taking help of the detectives in Delhi who are famous and experienced.

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A woman arrested, blackmailing a married man in Greater Noida, UP on wednessday

Why a woman blackmail a married man? Know truth

woman arrested, blackmailing a married man

woman arrested, blackmailing a married man

Police arrested a 22-year-old girl on a married man's complain, 
The man is accusing that this woman was blackmailing him for a long time, And threatening to take photos of their personal relationships live on social media.

Want to be a private investigator call Best Detective at +91-9958045226

A 22-year-old girl blackmailed a married man in Noida, even after taking 2 lakh

According to the police, the woman is from the good family of Kanpur, both of them talked (messaging) on Facebook and finally, the series of meetings was started.

Shortly after, the woman demanded Rs 2 lakh, when the boy refused, she threatened to put photos on social media. 
The boy was married and did not want to tell anyone about this relationship, so he gave 2 lakhs, After some time, the girl again demanded the money, which she threatened to put those photos on social media

The boy took refuge in the police, and the whole story was made in front of the police, The police arrested the woman from Sector 18 Noida and inquired, that this girl did not blackmail anyone else. 
After all the things were confirmed, the girl was sent to jail after presenting it to the judge

Best Detective News

Why do people need the Detective Agency's most today for matrimonial investigation?

 Why do you need Delhi and the big city only to do Matrimonial Investigation?

    Why do you need Delhi and the big city only to do Matrimonial Investigation?

Definition of Matrimony

Definition of matrimony and the reason of grooming on high demands  Pre Matrimonial investigations on worldwide, how a private detective finds out the truth and facts of the investigation, this is the exact definition of matrimony investigators.

Detective agency in Delhi is very busy for matrimonial investigations

A private detective takes the suitable story to cover up the investigation and get all the truth which keeps hiding by the subject and his/ her parents. Nobody knows what is the truth before the marriage but after they get married all the lies will disturb you and definitely also your life. 
That is the reason Pre matrimonial Detective on high demands in metro cities: Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Bangalore, and Kolkata

Why do need Delhi and the big city only to do Matrimonial Investigation?

You never judge what is going on behind you and can never tell anything about your life after the getting married. Your life will be in the middle of the court and home. If you are in India, nobody will trust you that you are telling truth. 

There are lots of problems taking Laws, especially to take HMA cases (Hindu Marriage Act), Court and Police authorities do not listen you after occurred incident or false complaint against you even you and your parents are completely innocent.

Pre Matrimonial Detectives on high demands due to increasing post matrimonial cases in the courts
Cases in family courts are on peek as similar Pre matrimonial Agencies An   India. There are lots of private detective agencies in India which are being operated experienced ex. Service men.

Generally, in India and United States nobodies aware to takes services of private Detective, They don’t know the today realities that how they hide the credentials of person. Only a private Investigator can get the false full information which is being hidden by the person.

Pre Matrimonial Detectives on high demands in India because most of the person lives unknown places like United State, but the United States has complete information of it citizen with just a click. But In India there are lots of problems to get information about any person, nobodies know how to get the information to verify it grooming.

If you have all the information about the subject and his/ her family, now you need to verify it that this information this information true or false? In general, if you are a general public person, don’t have a source then you cannot get any single information to verify it, even you have all that.

A Private Detective Agency can get all the information and also very it easily on small charges. And there are some agencies, If you don’t have any single information about the Pre matrimonial relationship you can also call them, they can retrieve most of the credential of the case, and will also remark you that this relationship is suitable for you or not? 

Today Delhi private detective agencies are looking too busy Important information may be hidden in Pre-Matrimonial relations.

According to Indian culture, there are the trends single marriage in Hindu Marriage Act knows the name of HMA in legal. Most of the communities in India things in single marriage, according to their If the one partner dies, the second partner cannot authorize to get marriage furthermore. This is real fact in the most of the communities in India because they think marriage is a long-lasting relationship and bound in heaven by GOD, nobody can destroy it.

Private detective agencies are busy to investigate the cases of pre-matrimonial investigation in Delhi, India.

In India culture especially in Hindu marriage act (HMA), both the person is not authorized to get married twice without legal separation. After getting separation they are free to get second marriage through community permission.

But the question arose after getting separation from the first marriage.

1- Why & Who was faulty
2- Reasons to get separation from 1st marriage
3- Why do we need Private Detective Agency?

If you are getting second marriage or first marriage, but you don’t know the facts, who approached you through, Online Matrimonial websites like these are the best matrimonial sites who can get you perfect relationship and partner but our question is not only that how to get a perfect partner who has sufficient funds.

Our and your questions are, who the long lasting and loving partner is and who could take care of you or your love once after relationship. No doubt, these are the matrimony site can get a perfect family but only a private investigator can tell you about facts If the Subject and parents are trustworthy for this knot?

We have seen thousands of Pre-Matrimonial cases who have been saved their life only by the Pre Matrimonial Investigators; the reason was only that they had believed on Private Detectives.

In the Pre-Matrimonial Investigations, what do you need to investigate?
private detectives in Delhi on high demands for pre matrimonial investigation


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812-A Ansal Bhawan-16, Kasturba Gandhi Marg
Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001, India
Phone No. +91-11-41520444, +91-9958045226
Website: https://forensicdetectives.in/detective-agency-in-delhi/

Branch (Forensic): Karol Bagh Metro Station, Karol Bagh
New Delhi-110005, India

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