• Divorce Investigation Agency

    What will we do in the Divorce investigation for you to get evidence which will be producible in the court for further proceedings? - forensicdetective.club

  • Post Matrimonial Investigation

    Best Detectives Delhi is the only one agency where everyone have the full solution of any type of investigation such as pre matrimonial, post matrimonial, marriage investigation in india, marriage investigation in any country

  • Pre Matrimonial Investigation

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  • Post Matrimonial Investigation

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  • Surveillance Detective Services

    Best Detectives is a number private detectives agency in Delhi for surveillance, investigators of best detectives are capabale to do it by charm. inq.forensic@gamil.com


Best Detectives in Karol Bagh Delhi

Best Detectives in Karol Bagh Delhi provides Investigation services which come through our investigative experience gained from invaluable experience. Our team of investigators have skills, understanding and all-round knowledge in the manner in which a case is approached, how evidence is obtained, and how to investigate a corporate investigation, matrimonial detective services, background verification case and a personal investigation mandate.

We can quickly preserve, collate and analyze data to provide clear and concise, evidence-based reports to board, management and regulators in accordance with the highest standards of accuracy, professionalism and discretion. We also provide you expert witnesses in both criminal and civil cases.

Matrimonial Investigation: Do You Really Need It? This Will Help You Decide!

Matrimonial Investigation: Do You Really Need It?

Matrimonial Investigation: Do You Really Need It?

Do you really need matrimonial investigation?

This can work to make you a right decision. The matrimonial investigation is done keeping in mind those aspects of life, in which we face everyday life. And we have to face many unpleasant troubles when we make the wrong decision.

Top Latest Blog Posts


You may also be unaware of the form of matrimonial investigation and understand that, what is the need for it, but today's society is fast moving forward, the matrimonial investigation has made its place.

The information that a pre-matrimonial investigator can give you, maybe that information is not known to anyone other than that person (Boy or Girl), and you unknowingly accept this relationship, which can result in you or your child going to regret in the future. 

A good parent would never want that because of them, the future of their child is in danger. Pre matrimonial investigation gives you all the information, which is extremely necessary to make a peaceful connection.

The main purpose of a Private Investigation Agency is to protect you from unknown dangers. Therefore, before establishing a relationship, consider the aspects mentioned above.

Contact for Pre Matrimonial Investigation


Mobile No, +91-9958045226, +91-11-41520444
E-Mail: inq.forensic@gmail.com


Is hiring private detective Agency legal in India? in Hindi

Is hiring private detective Agency legal in India?

Is hiring private detective Agency legal in India?

Is hiring a private detective Agency legal in India?- क्या इंडिया में प्राइवेट डिटेक्टिव को hire करना कानूनी हैं अथवा नहीं? यह प्रश्न उन सभी लोगों के mind में हर समय घूमता रहता हैं, जिन्हे किसी प्राइवेट डिटेक्टिव की जरुरत होती हैं|

Is hiring a private detective Agency legal in India? हमारा जवाब हैं, हां

इंडिया में प्राइवेट डिटेक्टिव एजेंसी अथवा प्राइवेट इन्वेस्टीगेशन को भले ही सरकारी मान्यता ना हो| परन्तु उसके द्वारा दी गई report और सबूत 100% कानूनी तौर पर मान्य हैं| जिसका की court में अभाव होता हैं| सबूत के अभाव की वजह से cases सालों दर सालो कोर्ट में लटके रहते है|
Is hiring a private detective Agency legal in Indiaसिर्फ एक Detective Agency ही वह जरिया हैं, जो इन सबूतों को एकत्रित कर कोर्ट और कानून की मदद करते हैं|
तो फिर क्या वजह है, कि Private Detective Agency को आज तक सरकार के संरक्षण प्राप्त नहीं हैं?
एक Detective Agency का कार्य पूर्णरूप से गुप्त होता है, साथ ही वह इन बातों पर भी निर्भर करता हैं, कि उसे पूरी तरह से गोपनीय रखा जाये| जोकि एक private detective के कार्य  का आधार होता हैं| एक detective किसी कीमत पर भी अपने राज किसी के सामने नहीं लाता हैं, यही एक वजह हैं, वह सबसे अलग हैं|
अब बात करे कि India में Is hiring private detective Agency legal in India? in Hindi?
एक प्राइवेट Detective Agency का कार्य पूरी तरह से गोपनीय होता हैं| वह जब किसी की information को प्राप्त करता हैं, तो निःदेह उसकी वजह से उस व्यक्ति को भारी नुकसान उठाना पड़ता हैं| क्योकि वह व्यक्ति इस information को दुनिया से इसलिए छुपाकर रख रहा था, क्योकि वह information उसकी सही व्यक्तित्व के बारे में जानकारी दे रही हैं| वह यह अच्छी तरह से जनता हैं| अगर यह information court अथवा police तक पहोच गई तो उसे उसकी भरी कीमत चुकानी पड़ सकती हैं|
अब यहाँ एक Private investigator legal और illegal की लड़ाई में शामिल होता हैं|
अगर किसी वजह से प्राइवेट इन्वेस्टिगेटर इस information को निकालने में विफल हो जाता हैं, और subject द्वारा पकड़ा जाता हैं, तो उसे पूर्णरूप से अपराधी घोषित कर दिया जाता हैं| यह जानते हुए भी की, वह इस व्यक्ति की आपराधिक व्यक्तित्व को उजागर करने में संलग्न हैं

Police और कानून अपने दायरे में बधे हुए हैं, और सब कुछ जानते हुए भी उसपर कार्यवाही की जाती हैं, क्योकि इंडिया में निजी जिंदगी का अधिकार सभी को प्राप्त हैं| उसमे हस्तक्षेप करना कानूनी अपराध माना जाता हैं| परन्तु इसी निजिता के अधिकार से सबूतों का अभाव पैदा होता हैं| और सबकुछ जानते हुए भी एक मुज़रिम कनून के हाथों से बच निकलता हैं

परन्तु ऐसा नहीं हैं| India में हजारों Private Detective Agency active हैं, जो अपने कार्य को पूरी ईमानदारी से निभा रही हैं| उनका कार्य पूरी तरह से सराहनीय हैं, क्योकि वह अच्छी तरह से जानते हैं, कि हमें अपने भारत को अपराधमुक्त बनाना हैं, चाहे इसके लिए इन परिस्थियों का ही सामना क्यों न करना पड़े|
Private Investigators और उनका कार्य करने का तरीका|
एक private investigator, technically पूरी तरह से निपुड़ होने के बाद ही field में भेजा जाता हैं| उसे हर परिश्थिति का अच्छी तरह से ज्ञान होता हैं, और हर परिश्थिति से निपटने की उसे training प्राप्त होती हैं|
अगर फील्ड में एक प्राइवेट investigator का मुकाबला हम एक आम इंसान से करे तो १:१० के बराबर होगी| जो बात private detective एक पल में सोच कर apply कर देता हैं| वह किसी आम इंसान के लिए एक हफ्ते हे भी संभव नहीं

एक Private Detective सरकारी संरक्षण के अभाव के बाबजूद सफतापूर्वक कर कर रहे हैं| और हजारों की तादात cases को सफलतापूर्वक हल क्या हैं| एक private Detective का कार्य उन बातो को उजागर करना हैं, जिन बातों से police अथवा प्रसाशन की आँखों में धुल झोकि जा रही हैं|
फिर उसे संरक्षण प्राप्त हो अथवा नहीं इस बात से क्या फर्क पड़ता हैं| एक Private Detective को कौन hire करता हैं?
ज्यादातर cases पीड़ित द्वारा private detective को दिए जाते हैं| जिसमे वह पीड़ित (Client) उन बातों का खुलासा करना चाहता हैं, जिससे वह पीड़ित है| प्राइवेट डिटेक्टिव से ज्यादातर मामले, झूठ को उजागर करने से सम्बंधित होते हैं| जिसमे कोई व्यक्ति किसी को, police को, अथवा court को गुमराह कर रह रहा हो|
 एक private detective का कार्य सिर्फ झूठ से पर्दा उठाकर सच को सामने लेन भर का हैं| इसके लिए उसे प्रशासन अथवा police किसी भी category में रखे, उसे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता




Charges of Pre Matrimonial investigation Delhi, Gurgaon Mumbai, etc.

Charges of Pre Matrimonial investigation Delhi, Gurgaon Mumbai, etc.
Charges of Pre Matrimonial investigation Delhi, Gurgaon Mumbai, etc.

The charges of Pre Matrimonial Detectives Delhi
The charges of Pre Matrimonial investigation Delhi

Best Detective is the highest pre matrimonial investigation Delhi India, whose investigation is the best. For pre-matrimonial detectives Delhi, its experienced investigators bring out such information from their full hard work, passion and experience, which you have never imagined.

Experience and knowledge are an important place in the world of investigations.

Best Detective is the best Pre matrimonial investigative Delhi of India, whose investigation is the best. For pre-matrimonial detectives Delhi, its experienced investigators bring out such information from their dedicated hard work, passion and experience, which you have never imagined. Experience and knowledge both are an important place in the investigation world. Both of which are very important.

Why is it necessary to have experience and knowledge in Pre matrimonial detectives Delhi?

For example, if you have experience, but lack knowledge, then your experience is useless.
 As many ex-detective agencies think that they are the oldest in this field, but this experience is enough for attracting any person, but in the field of pre-matrimonial detectives Delhi, it is totally useless.

Because, along with experience, there is a lot of knowledge of the underprivileged.
In exactly the same way, having experience with knowledge too is very minor.

The Best Detective's pre matrimonial investigation Delhi team has a stock of these two things, which are used in the field of pre matrimonial detectives in Delhi. You can also discuss the relationship with us, along with the investigation of your relationship, which has no charge. It is our first duty to make the future of your or your child happy.

You can contact us at any time for pre matrimonial investigation Delhi at the below mentioned numbers.

Best Detectives Karol Bagh Delhi


How to get information in Pre Matrimonial investigation?

Pre Matrimonial Investigation Agency in Delhi NCR

As we all know that Pre Matrimonial investigation is the most serious subject of all other investigations, but people do not take it so seriously, and make it just formality, but pre matrimonial investigation is a process to ensure a future, in which we Want to know, whether this relationship will be good for us or our child?

Top 5 Best ways to get information in Pre Matrimonial investigation?

Whether we hire any Pre-Matrimonial investigative agency, but whatever you want to know from this Pre-matrimonial investigation, first of all let them know clearly to the Detective Agency.
Whatever information you have received, share it with the Pre-Matrimonial investigative agency.

Never deliberately misinform the detective agencies. By doing this, Investigation can go on the wrong track, and the information that is required, either can be delayed or mis-configured.

Top 5 precautions to get wrongful information in Pre Matrimonial Investigation

The trend of giving wrong information is being run in the pre matrimonial investigation from the beginning and the wrong information is deliberately brought to your knowledge, so that you can approve this relationship. But pre-matrimonial investigation investigates the truth in search of truth
And present them before you meet

But for some reason, if information is hidden or not told by you, then the pre matrimonial investigation presents the same information right before you. Because of lack of information, Investigator does not compare the right information.

In the pre-matrimonial investigation, share all the information in front of the detective agency, which is provided to you, leave it on the pre matrimonial investigator. He will give you accurate information about this future relationship.



Top 5 Tips to be a white Hat Hacker (Education Video) March 2019

 White Hat Hacker - You can learn how to hack obviously, however there’s not a whole lot of different content to learn depending on whether it’s white hat hacker, grey or black hat hacking. You could say that learning only the dirty tricks, brute forcing, cracking, etc. Is a bad start, because you’ll mostly be using and applying establish methods and software. You don’t want to be able to hack things, you want to be able to understand exactly how and why it works. 

Top 5 Tips to be a white Hat Hacker (Education Video) March 2019

New White Hat Hacker March 2019

Learn how to be a White Hat Hacker tricks March 2019

A lot of cracking is simple use of software, on a Linux operating system You would need nothing but a 10 minute tutorial on youtube.com. Focus your learning on coding and programming. If you know how to write programs and code, you’re going to come to a point where you need to make it safe, you will test that out, off course, and notice how easy or hard it is, and this way, you will learn the very foundation skill of hacking, rather than cracking.

Best methods to learn New white Hat hacker tricks March 2019 in a Minute

You can expect to otherwise reach only a limited amount of what you’re actually able to do as a hacker. Getting a wifi password is easy, key-logging is easy, even turning on somebody’s webcam, is relatively easy. But you’re going to get caught quickly because all you know is how to use other hacker’s methods. The bastards are like magicians, never revealing their tricks, until everyone already knows them anyway.

New Style White Hat Hacker tricks 2019


Spy App - SPYBUBBLE Latest spy app for Android

Spy App -  SPYBUBBLE Latest spy app for Android

Spy App -  SPYBUBBLE Latest spy app for Android

How much does Spy App- Spybubble cost?

Usually, if you want to buy a spy phone package (such as the top-of-the-range Spyera, the budget Mobile Spy or the in-between Flexispy), you need to buy a subscription for three months, six months or a full year.

Spybubble breaks this mold with its innovative monthly subscription. Instead, you pay the initial month (which includes the sign-up fee to start using the service) for $59.00, and after that the cost is only $7.80 per month for as long as you wish to use the service.

Spy App has all the basic features of the budget spy phone applications, but it’s the only package that allows you to spread the cost by charging a low monthly rate.

On top of that, the software supports a wide range of phones, and is completely undetectable once installed.

So what are you waiting for? Want to try it? Want to see what all the fuss is about? Simply pay for the first month, and if you like it you can keep going paying a low low charge each month! BUY NOW and you will be secure in the knowledge that you are in control of your own life. No more lying, no more suspicion.

Spy App- Spybubble Features

Spy App offers all the basic spyphone features for those who don’t need the bells and whistles of one of the top-end apps such as Spyera SPY Phone, and who like the idea of paying a low monthly cost instead of a large annual subscription fee.

Spybubble allows you to:

Monitor the target phone’s location, as long as the phone has a GPS receiver and has sufficient signal to determine its own location (otherwise it will only show the location to the nearest cell-tower).
See the entire contents of the contact list/address book.
Access the log of who called in, who was called, how long the calls lasted, and what time the calls were made.
Read all incoming and outgoing SMS messages – regardless of whether the user of the phone has already deleted them.
Additionally, once the software has been installed on the phone (which should take no more than ten minutes), the software is completely undetectable to the user of the phone.

If you are looking for these basic features and you would rather pay per month, Spybubble represents excellent value for money. If you BUY IT NOW, you could be monitoring the phone within 30 minutes from now!

Before you do buy, in order to make 100% sure that you are satisfied with your purchase, please make sure the target phone is compatible with Spybubble. We have a comprehensive list of the phones that are supported.

Spy App now available for iPhone

Spy App has been released for the iPhone!

The iPhone version of Spybubble has all the same features of Spybubble on other platforms, and it supports all models of iPhone:

The original iPhone
iPhone 3G
iPhone 3GS
The new iPhone 4
All versions of iOS from 2.x, 3.x or 4.x are supported by Spybubble.

If you have an iPhone, and you are interested in a spy app, consider

What is Spy-bubble?

Spy App is the newest Spy-phone software for smartphones running Android, BlackBerry OS or Symbian OS.

It supports all the standard features that you expect to see in a basic spyphone package, and is competitively priced.

If you have a BlackBerry phone you need to keep track of, or an Android phone – or if you have a Symbian phone by Nokia, Samsung, LG or Sony-Ericsson, you can install Spybubble on it, to keep track of where it is, as well as all phone calls and SMS messages sent or received on the phone.

What’s more, the user of the phone is completely unaware that the software is running on the phone!

Spybubble is installed within minutes of you purchasing the software from here, and if you buy it now you will be able to track the phone right now.

Please note that as with all proper spyphone packages, you must have physical access to the phone in order to install the software. (There are some packages that claim to work remotely, but most of those are simply rip-offs. If you don’t have access to the phone, how can you install a program on it?)

Promoted by Detective agency in Delhi


Best detective agency in Delhi for pre matrimonial investigation

Best detective agency in Delhi for pre matrimonial investigation

For Matrimonial investigation- Best detective agency in Delhi

Best Detective agency in Delhi - Surveillance Equipment For Private Investigators

Best Detective agency in Delhi- In times gone by, when life might have been described as simpler, criminal investigators were very limited in the equipment that they had at their disposal to solve crimes and carry our surveillance. In fact, up until around the middle of the 20th century things could be described as primitive. However, since then, technology in general and surveillance equipment for private investigators has come on in leaps and bounds.

Nowadays the average best detective agency in Delhi has a vast array of covert surveillance equipment at their disposal. Some of this equipment, by today's standards is fairly simple and relatively inexpensive. However for there are some private detective tools that are the height of sophistication, representing a major financial investment. These are the tools that set apart investigators who aspire to be at the top of their profession.

Best Detective agency in Delhi professional tools to conduct surveillance

The one thing that has been consistent in the life of a private detective for as long as the profession has existed is that the majority of the work is purely routine. Most private detectives wouldn't recognize a hand gun if it was pointed at them, in fact if statistics on the subject were available, you would find that 90% of a private investigators days (and nights) is spent carrying out routine surveillance. Only with the tools that are available in this day and age the routine can be a lot less physically demanding and carried out in reasonably comfortable surroundings.

Best Detective agencies serials on Television screen in the Delhi areas

Those who follow Best Detectives series on the television will know that a lot of routine surveillance is carried out from unmarked vehicle especially small panel trucks, mini vans or even caravans. This is a fairly accurately depicts what goes on. Many private investigators do send a lot of their time in vehicles, watching and listening. Professional private investigators will tell you that the best option is the caravan, as it possible to sleep in the back and let the equipment do the work. It is always advisable to tint the windows (if any) to lessen the possibility of being caught in the act.

Equipment: digital cameras, video, listening equipment

There are some fairly sophisticated digital cameras with highly powerful zoom lenses that can capture images from hundreds of meters at a very high resolution level. Digital cameras can also be small enough to fit in the palm of your hand or in the top pocket of a shirt. These cameras are especially useful to rapidly and discretely photograph documents. Despite its minimal dimensions these mini cameras are equally as powerful as any of their larger counterparts, and a useful tool in the arsenal of the private investigator.

Another of the "bread and butter " tools that a Best Detective agency in Delhi will make great use of is a digital video camera. These tools come into their own in the instance where the investigator wants to carry out surveillance in a setting where the investigator cannot be present. A good video digital camera is worth its weight in gold, and a professional private investigator will more than likely to have several at their disposal. They will be fitted with very strong batteries as long as a very large flash memory card, usually around 2 gigabytes, to record and allow recovery of as much as the conversation as possible.

Listening equipment are also a very necessary devise in the day to day activities of a Best Detectives agency in Delhi, Again mostly digital they can be used to pick up and record confidential conversations and record them for later use, especially in a court of law, where they are now generally regarded as admissible evidence.

Delhi election 2019

Delhi Elections 2019 Predictions Survey Exit Poll Results Candidate List

Delhi election 2019

Delhi Elections 2019

Delhi Elections 2019 Results Live Streaming Telecast Online information and details provided here. Delhi Elections results is one of the most important for public because Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has changed the face of Indian politics by contesting clean and non-corrupted candidates. Results will be available for all list of seats of Delhi Vidhansabha (Assembly) on the Official website of the Elections Commission of India (ECI) as well as on CEO, Delhi.

Mehrauli (45) New Delhi (40) Laxmi Nagar (58) Mangol Puri (12) Ballimaran (22) Malviya Nagar (43) Rajinder Nagar (39) Gandhi Nagar(61) Kondli (56) Greater Kailash (50) Adarsh Nagar (04) Vishwas Nagar (59) Patparganj (57) Deoli (47) TriNagar Kirari (09) Chhatarpur (46) Burari (02) RK Puram (44) Badli (05) Nangloi Jat (11) Shakur Basti (15) Vikaspuri (31) Rajouri Garden (27) Palam (37) Krishna Nagar(60) Hari Nagar (28) Sultanpur Majra (10) Narela (01) Rohini (13) Model Town (18) Delhi Cantt. (38) Rithala (06) Janakpuri (30) Madipur (26) Wazirpur (17) Seelampur (65) Mundka (08).

Karawal Nagar (70)
Matiala (34)
Uttam Nagar (32)
Shahdara (62)
Tilak Nagar (29)
Chandni Chowk (20)
Matia Mahal (21)
Sadar Bazar (19)
Patel Nagar (24)
Bijwasan (36)
Rohtas Nagar(64)
Badarpur (53)
Tughlakabad (52)
Najafgarh (35)
Shalimar Bagh (14)
Kasturba Nagar (42)
Ghonda (66)
Ambedkar Nagar (48)
Karol Bagh (23)

Kalkaji (51)
Moti Nagar (25)
Bawana (07)
Timarpur (03)
Sangam Vihar (49)
Trilokpuri (55)
Jangpura (41)
Seemapuri (63)
Babarpur (67)
Gokalpur (68)
Mustafabad (69)
OKHLA (54)

A great performance Delhi Elections 2019

We hope that information and details on Delhi Elections 2019 Results Live Streaming Telecast Online will be useful to all people through out the state as well as across the country.

Arvind Kejriwal has geared up for the upcoming Delhi Assembly Elections 2019. Aam Aadmi Party has made their election symbol more popular compare to other political parties of Delhi as they have recently announced it. Kejriwal is working very hard to win most of the seats in the Delhi Assembly. While two main political parties of Delhi, Indian National Congress (INC) and Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) are facing too much lose in the upcoming elections as predicted in various survey.

Latest survey has predicted that Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party will win around 18-20 seats which is more than previous survey. In previous survey, it was predicted that AAP will win 8-10 seats. Now, survey has predicted more than double seats compare to its previous survey. Still, two months left for the election voting in May, 2019. So, it is also predicted that it will be much more space for AAP to win more seats. So, it will be difficult for major two parties to form the Government in Delhi without support of Aam Aadmi Party.

It is also known that Kejriwal has decided to do not support any party if they will failed to get majority in the Delhi elections. So, it is much difficult for two parties BJP and Congress to win this election.

Let’s wait for the December month to see who will win the election of Delhi Vidhansabha 2019.

2019 Delhi Elections : Survey predicts hung assembly

Delhi Elections 2019 : Survey predicts hung assembly

Delhi Elections 2019 : Survey predicts hung assembly

Delhi Assembly Elections 2019 is much more interesting day by day. Newly created Aam Aadmi Party is giving tough fight to major political parties Indian National Congress (INC) and Bharatiya Janta Party in the upcoming Vidhansabha Elections 2019 of Delhi. We have also seen that some survey has predicted AAP is gaining so number of seats in double digits which will eventually difficult for both parties.

As per the latest survey done by AC Nielsen for ABP News, it has predicted that BJP (Bharatiya Janta Party) will win majority in 70 members assembly by winning 32 seats. While on the other side, Congress which is led by Sheila Dixit will gain only 27 seats. Aam Aadmi Party will debut with good number of seats which is almost eight seats.

Earlier, Congress has also implemented Food Security Bill in Delhi to gain much better in the upcoming elections of state. It has also opened with so much crowd at various fair prices shops. We didn’t know how much of them will be turned into votes for the Congress.

While BJP is also trying to raise topics of the Delhi people like rising cost of living, price of electricity, water shortage and much more. While Aam Aadmi Party is also trying to showcase both parties corruption, only promises during elections and much more.


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