
Best Detectives in Karol Bagh Delhi

Best Detectives in Karol Bagh Delhi provides Investigation services which come through our investigative experience gained from invaluable experience. Our team of investigators have skills, understanding and all-round knowledge in the manner in which a case is approached, how evidence is obtained, and how to investigate a corporate investigation, matrimonial detective services, background verification case and a personal investigation mandate.

We can quickly preserve, collate and analyze data to provide clear and concise, evidence-based reports to board, management and regulators in accordance with the highest standards of accuracy, professionalism and discretion. We also provide you expert witnesses in both criminal and civil cases.

Affairs are not a love story

Affair are not a Love Story

Affairs are not a love story

Affairs are not a love story

Affairs are not a love story, it is proof on the research

Affairs are not Love Story- They are addictions and they have nothing to do with love. I don’t care if your spouse says that the other person is their “soul mate” and that they didn’t know what “love” truly was until they meet the other person, this is NOT love! All this is, are chemicals going bonkers in your spouse’s brain making them think they are in “love”. These chemicals are what makes the affairs an addiction.

Why Affairs are not Love Story?

I get letters all the time from betrayed spouse’s saying that their spouse is sitting on the fence, that they are sure who they want. I get letters about those who spouse’s swear up and down that they have ended the affairs and will never see them again but end up right back in the affairs even thought they KNOW it could cost them everything. They are an addict and we need to treat them as such.

Have you seen the show “Intervention” on A&E? I love that show! If you have a spouse that is sitting on the fence torn between you and the other person then what needs to be done is an Intervention. If you don’t then your spouse will never have an consequences for their actions.

Why don't your spouse care does he/ she love other person but it is truth that affairs are not love story

I have seen many Wayward Spouse having their cake and eating it too while the Betrayed Spouse gets hurt over and over and over again and their love for their spouse totally dies along with the marriage. These Wayward Spouse don’t ever seem to have to justify their behavior to their older children, none had to leave the home and have to be inconvenienced with other living arrangements, none were denied any sexual privileges from the Wayward Spouse, none had to pay any type of counselor, none had to pay a lawyer (or two), none had to face any kind of financial pressure of keeping up two homes and none ever had to look into a mirror and say to themselves, “Why does everyone think this is all my fault?”

See related posts
* 4 reasons people have affairs
* It's not just sex: why people have affairs, 
  and how to deal with them
* Why extra marital affairs could be right 

So, why then is the Wayward Spouse surprised when the affairs or contact keeps going? I mean really, it’s just about to be expected! I’m sorry if this seems harsh but it’s the truth. I have an extremely hard time getting the Wayward Spouse to do the things necessary to get their Wayward Spouse to end the affairs and all contact once and for all. They somehow feel it’s “mean” and they want to avoid all conflict because they feel it will only push their spouse into the other person’s arms. Maybe it will, but the Wayward Spouse almost always wants the Wayward Spouse back once they have no one BUT the other person.

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812-A Ansal Bhawan-16, Kasturba Gandhi Marg
Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001, India
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New Delhi-110005, India

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